Tetra Betta Granules

Nutritious, balanced complete food in the form of granules for daily feeding of all bettas.

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  • Зміцнення імунітету та життєдіяльності

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Formulated to support the immune system

Highly palatable, floating granules with natural colour enhancers

Чиста вода та покращена якість води завдяки легкозасвоюваним міні-гранулам та пребіотикам природного походження

Unique recipe and high-quality ingredients without colourants and added preservatives ensure optimal growth

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Tetra Betta Granules is a nutritious balanced granular food providing a complete diet for daily feeding of all bettas. The highly palatable, floating granules include natural colour enhancers and are formulate to support the immune system of bettas. The food contains prebiotics that support the bodily functions of fish and food conversion. This ensures healthy fish growth, vitality and colour vibrancy, and contributes to enhanced water quality. The unique recipe, which is with high-quality natural ingredients, without colourants and added preservatives, promotes optimal growth and increased resilience. With Tetra Betta Granules, your betta will thrive, and it helps to keep your aquarium water clean and clear.

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Tetra Betta Granules

Nutritious, balanced complete food in the form of granules for daily feeding of all bettas.

Повноцінний корм
Інтенсивне забарвлення
Зміцнення імунітету та життєдіяльності

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Formulated to support the immune system

Highly palatable, floating granules with natural colour enhancers

Чиста вода та покращена якість води завдяки легкозасвоюваним міні-гранулам та пребіотикам природного походження

Unique recipe and high-quality ingredients without colourants and added preservatives ensure optimal growth

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Більше інформації

Tetra Betta Granules is a nutritious balanced granular food providing a complete diet for daily feeding of all bettas. The highly palatable, floating granules include natural colour enhancers and are formulate to support the immune system of bettas. The food contains prebiotics that support the bodily functions of fish and food conversion. This ensures healthy fish growth, vitality and colour vibrancy, and contributes to enhanced water quality. The unique recipe, which is with high-quality natural ingredients, without colourants and added preservatives, promotes optimal growth and increased resilience. With Tetra Betta Granules, your betta will thrive, and it helps to keep your aquarium water clean and clear.

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