Tetra Discus Granules

Balanced, nutritious complete food specially developed to meet the specific nutrional needs of discus fish.

  • Повноцінний корм
  • Інтенсивне забарвлення
  • Стимуляція росту

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доступні розміри

100ml / 30g

1L / 300g

10L / 3kg

250ml / 75g

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Specially developed to meet the specific nutritional needs of discus fish

The carefully selected ingredients support optimal health and well-being and provide excellent taste

Slowly sinking granules are ideal for all discus fish that prefer to eat in the middle water layer and from the bottom of the aquarium

Unique protein mix for strong, healthy, vital fish

Unique recipe and high-quality ingredients without colourants and added preservatives ensure optimal growth

Чиста вода та покращена якість води завдяки легким для вживання та добре засвоюваним гранулам

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Більше інформації

Tetra Discus Granules is a balanced, nutritious complete food specially developed to meet the specific nutrional needs of discus fish. The carefully selected ingredients support optimal health and well-being and provide excellent taste. The slow-sinking granules suit the species-appropriate feeding habits of discus and are ideal for all discus fish that prefer to feed in the middle water layer and from the bottom of the aquarium. The unique recipe, which is with high-quality natural ingredients, without colourants and added preservatives, and the optimally tailored protein-mix promote optimal growth and increased resilience. With Tetra Discus Granules, your discus will thrive, and your aquarium water will stay clean and clear.

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Tetra Discus Granules

Balanced, nutritious complete food specially developed to meet the specific nutrional needs of discus fish.

Повноцінний корм
Інтенсивне забарвлення
Стимуляція росту

доступні розміри

100ml / 30g

1L / 300g

10L / 3kg

250ml / 75g

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Specially developed to meet the specific nutritional needs of discus fish

The carefully selected ingredients support optimal health and well-being and provide excellent taste

Slowly sinking granules are ideal for all discus fish that prefer to eat in the middle water layer and from the bottom of the aquarium

Unique protein mix for strong, healthy, vital fish

Unique recipe and high-quality ingredients without colourants and added preservatives ensure optimal growth

Чиста вода та покращена якість води завдяки легким для вживання та добре засвоюваним гранулам

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Більше інформації

Tetra Discus Granules is a balanced, nutritious complete food specially developed to meet the specific nutrional needs of discus fish. The carefully selected ingredients support optimal health and well-being and provide excellent taste. The slow-sinking granules suit the species-appropriate feeding habits of discus and are ideal for all discus fish that prefer to feed in the middle water layer and from the bottom of the aquarium. The unique recipe, which is with high-quality natural ingredients, without colourants and added preservatives, and the optimally tailored protein-mix promote optimal growth and increased resilience. With Tetra Discus Granules, your discus will thrive, and your aquarium water will stay clean and clear.

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