Tetra Goldfish Gold Growth

Balanced premium complete food for goldfish. The high-quality diet and proteins support the growth and well-being of the fish.

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250ml / 113g

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High-quality proteins support growth and condition of fish

Essential nutrients and special ingredients provide high digestibility and low waste levels

Ideal and high-quality diet keeps the fish in good condition

Floating food granules

Unique protein-mix for robust, healthy and vital fish

Unique recipe and high-quality ingredients without colourants and added preservatives ensure optimal growth

Clean water and enhanced water quality thanks to easy-to-eat and highly digestible food granules

Форма годівлі



Риба та рибопродукти, Екстракти рослинних протеїнів, Продукти рослинного походження, Дріжджі, Зернові культури, Рідкі та тверді жири, Молюски та ракоподібні, Мінерали.


Сирі протеїни 44%, Сирий жир 10%, Сира клітковина 2%, Вміст вологи 8%.


Вітаміни: Вітамін D3 1733 МО/кг. Регулятори кислотності: Лимонна кислота 274 мг/кг. 

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Більше інформації

Tetra Goldfish Gold Growth is a nutritious, balanced premium food for goldfish.The high-quality diet and proteins support the growth and well-being of the fish. The long floating food granules have a high digestibility and optimal food conversion that ensure less waste and water pollution. The unique recipe, which is with high-quality natural ingredients, without colourants and added preservatives, and the optimally tailored protein-mix promote optimal growth, vitality and increased resilience. With Tetra Goldfish Gold Growth, your goldfish will thrive, and your aquarium water will stay clean and clear.

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Tetra Goldfish Gold Growth

Balanced premium complete food for goldfish. The high-quality diet and proteins support the growth and well-being of the fish.

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доступні розміри

250ml / 113g

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High-quality proteins support growth and condition of fish

Essential nutrients and special ingredients provide high digestibility and low waste levels

Ideal and high-quality diet keeps the fish in good condition

Floating food granules

Unique protein-mix for robust, healthy and vital fish

Unique recipe and high-quality ingredients without colourants and added preservatives ensure optimal growth

Clean water and enhanced water quality thanks to easy-to-eat and highly digestible food granules

Форма годівлі


Більше інформації

Tetra Goldfish Gold Growth is a nutritious, balanced premium food for goldfish.The high-quality diet and proteins support the growth and well-being of the fish. The long floating food granules have a high digestibility and optimal food conversion that ensure less waste and water pollution. The unique recipe, which is with high-quality natural ingredients, without colourants and added preservatives, and the optimally tailored protein-mix promote optimal growth, vitality and increased resilience. With Tetra Goldfish Gold Growth, your goldfish will thrive, and your aquarium water will stay clean and clear.

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Риба та рибопродукти, Екстракти рослинних протеїнів, Продукти рослинного походження, Дріжджі, Зернові культури, Рідкі та тверді жири, Молюски та ракоподібні, Мінерали.


Сирі протеїни 44%, Сирий жир 10%, Сира клітковина 2%, Вміст вологи 8%.


Вітаміни: Вітамін D3 1733 МО/кг. Регулятори кислотності: Лимонна кислота 274 мг/кг. 

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