Tetra ReptoMin 3in1 Menu

Complete food as a 3in1 Menu, combining three different nutrient-rich feed types for species-appropriate nutrition of all water turtles in one container.

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250ml / 44g

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3 food varieties in one tin for a balanced diet

Sticks with optimal calcium-phosphor ratio for healthy shell and strong bones

Whole shrimps with a high amount of natural attractants for very good feed intake

Krill promote healthy growth

Unique recipe and high-quality ingredients without colourants and added preservatives

Use Tetra ReptoSafe for every water change

Форма годівлі



Молюски та ракоподібні (Криль 18%, Прісноводні рачки 14%), Риба та рибопродукти, Екстракти рослинних протеїнів, Дріжджі, Продукти рослинного походження, Мінерали, Рідкі та тверді жири.


Сирі протеїни 44%, Сирий жир 5%, Сира клітковина 3%, Вміст вологи 9%, Кальцій 3,0%, Фосфор 1,0%.


Вітаміни: Вітамін D3 1189 МО/кг. Мікроелементи: 3b506/Mn 84 мг/кг, 3b607/Zn 50 мг/кг, 3b108/Fe 32 мг/кг. Регулятори кислотності: Лимонна кислота 195 мг/кг. 

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Tetra ReptoMin 3in1 Menu combines three different nutrient-rich feed types for species-appropriate nutrition of all water turtles in one container. The sticks with optimal calcium-phosphorus ratio support healthy shells and strong bones, while whole shrimps, with their high proportion of natural attractants, ensure excellent absorption. Lastly, mini krill promote healthy growth. The unique recipe, which is with high-quality natural ingredients, without colourants and added preservatives, promotes healthy growth and a strong immune system. Additionally, Tetra ReptoSafe is recommended for every water change.

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Tetra ReptoMin 3in1 Menu

Complete food as a 3in1 Menu, combining three different nutrient-rich feed types for species-appropriate nutrition of all water turtles in one container.

доступні розміри

250ml / 44g

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3 food varieties in one tin for a balanced diet

Sticks with optimal calcium-phosphor ratio for healthy shell and strong bones

Whole shrimps with a high amount of natural attractants for very good feed intake

Krill promote healthy growth

Unique recipe and high-quality ingredients without colourants and added preservatives

Use Tetra ReptoSafe for every water change

Форма годівлі


Більше інформації

Tetra ReptoMin 3in1 Menu combines three different nutrient-rich feed types for species-appropriate nutrition of all water turtles in one container. The sticks with optimal calcium-phosphorus ratio support healthy shells and strong bones, while whole shrimps, with their high proportion of natural attractants, ensure excellent absorption. Lastly, mini krill promote healthy growth. The unique recipe, which is with high-quality natural ingredients, without colourants and added preservatives, promotes healthy growth and a strong immune system. Additionally, Tetra ReptoSafe is recommended for every water change.

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Молюски та ракоподібні (Криль 18%, Прісноводні рачки 14%), Риба та рибопродукти, Екстракти рослинних протеїнів, Дріжджі, Продукти рослинного походження, Мінерали, Рідкі та тверді жири.


Сирі протеїни 44%, Сирий жир 5%, Сира клітковина 3%, Вміст вологи 9%, Кальцій 3,0%, Фосфор 1,0%.


Вітаміни: Вітамін D3 1189 МО/кг. Мікроелементи: 3b506/Mn 84 мг/кг, 3b607/Zn 50 мг/кг, 3b108/Fe 32 мг/кг. Регулятори кислотності: Лимонна кислота 195 мг/кг. 

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