Tetra Rubin Flakes

Complete food with natural colour enhancers for the daily feeding of all ornamental fish. This high quality flake mix with natural colour-enhancing ingredients boosts the colour vibrancy of the fish.

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доступні розміри

100ml / 20g

250ml / 52g

1L / 200g

10L / 2.05kg

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Complete food in flake form for all ornamental fish

High content of natural colour enhancers which ensure beautiful colouration of all red, orange and yellow ornamental fish

Colour-enhancing effect is visible after several weeks

Unique protein-mix for robust, healthy and vital fish

The BioActive formula maintains a healthy immune system

With naturally contained prebiotics which support good body functions and nutritional utilisation

Unique recipe and high-quality ingredients without colourants and added preservatives ensure optimal growth

Clean water and enhanced water quality thanks to easy-to-eat and highly digestible flakes

Форма годівлі



Риба та рибопродукти, Зернові культури, Екстракти рослинних протеїнів, Дріжджі, Рідкі та тверді жири, Продукти рослинного походження, Молюски та ракоподібні, Водорості, Мінерали.


Сирі протеїни 46%, Сирий жир 11%, Сира клітковина 2%, Вміст вологи 7%.


Вітаміни: Вітамін D3 1842 МО/кг. Регулятори кислотності: Лимонна кислота 292 мг/кг.

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Більше інформації

Tetra Rubin Flakes is a biologically balanced flake food providing a complete diet for daily feeding of all ornamental fish. Additional natural colour-enhancing ingredients bring out the full natural colour vibrancy of red, orange and yellow fish. The colour-enhancing effect can be seen after several weeks of regular feeding. Furthermore, prebiotics help to support the bodily functions and food conversion. This ensures healthy fish growth, vitality, and helps to keep the aquarium water clear. The unique recipe, which is with high-quality natural ingredients, without colourants and added preservatives, and the optimally tailored protein-mix promote optimal growth, vitality and increased resilience. With Tetra Rubin Flakes, your ornamental fish will thrive, and your aquarium water will stay clean and clear.

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Tetra Rubin Flakes

Complete food with natural colour enhancers for the daily feeding of all ornamental fish. This high quality flake mix with natural colour-enhancing ingredients boosts the colour vibrancy of the fish.

Повноцінний корм
Інтенсивне забарвлення
Стимуляція росту

доступні розміри

100ml / 20g

250ml / 52g

1L / 200g

10L / 2.05kg

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Complete food in flake form for all ornamental fish

High content of natural colour enhancers which ensure beautiful colouration of all red, orange and yellow ornamental fish

Colour-enhancing effect is visible after several weeks

Unique protein-mix for robust, healthy and vital fish

The BioActive formula maintains a healthy immune system

With naturally contained prebiotics which support good body functions and nutritional utilisation

Unique recipe and high-quality ingredients without colourants and added preservatives ensure optimal growth

Clean water and enhanced water quality thanks to easy-to-eat and highly digestible flakes

Форма годівлі


Більше інформації

Tetra Rubin Flakes is a biologically balanced flake food providing a complete diet for daily feeding of all ornamental fish. Additional natural colour-enhancing ingredients bring out the full natural colour vibrancy of red, orange and yellow fish. The colour-enhancing effect can be seen after several weeks of regular feeding. Furthermore, prebiotics help to support the bodily functions and food conversion. This ensures healthy fish growth, vitality, and helps to keep the aquarium water clear. The unique recipe, which is with high-quality natural ingredients, without colourants and added preservatives, and the optimally tailored protein-mix promote optimal growth, vitality and increased resilience. With Tetra Rubin Flakes, your ornamental fish will thrive, and your aquarium water will stay clean and clear.

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Риба та рибопродукти, Зернові культури, Екстракти рослинних протеїнів, Дріжджі, Рідкі та тверді жири, Продукти рослинного походження, Молюски та ракоподібні, Водорості, Мінерали.


Сирі протеїни 46%, Сирий жир 11%, Сира клітковина 2%, Вміст вологи 7%.


Вітаміни: Вітамін D3 1842 МО/кг. Регулятори кислотності: Лимонна кислота 292 мг/кг.

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