Tetra Medica ContraIck Plus

Remedy designed to treat white spot disease (Ichthyo) in freshwater ornamental fish. Also helps treat other skin and gill parasites such as Trichodina and Chilodonella.

  • Treat sick fish

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Designed to treat white spot disease (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis) and other skin and gill parasites such as Trichodina and Chilodonella

Not suitable for invertebrates and delicate plant species such as hornwort

Remedy for freshwater ornamental fish

Reasons for fish diseases

Fish diseases often show themselves through unfortunately mostly unspecific symptoms.

Therefore, pay particular attention to conspicuous behavior or visual impairments of the fish before buying new aquarium inhabitants. Fish diseases can spread quickly.

  • Bacteria/parasites
  • Fish food quality
  • Water quality
  • Social stress

White spot disease Small white spots covering the fish skin and fins

White spot disease, also referred to as Ichthyo, caused by the single-celled ciliate Ichthyophthyrius multifiliis.

Possible Causes:

Nearly always caused by adding a new stock of fish.This can occur when a new stock of fish is added or it could be caused by a dormant infestation with an outbreak of parasites in tanks with poorly conditioned and/or stressed fish. This may be due to poor living conditions, combining incompatible fish species or poor diet.

Tetra Medica ContraIck Plus

Remedy designed to treat white spot disease (Ichthyo) in freshwater ornamental fish. Also helps treat other skin and gill parasites such as Trichodina and Chilodonella.

Treat sick fish

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20 ml

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Designed to treat white spot disease (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis) and other skin and gill parasites such as Trichodina and Chilodonella

Not suitable for invertebrates and delicate plant species such as hornwort

Remedy for freshwater ornamental fish

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Reasons for fish diseases

Fish diseases often show themselves through unfortunately mostly unspecific symptoms.

Therefore, pay particular attention to conspicuous behavior or visual impairments of the fish before buying new aquarium inhabitants. Fish diseases can spread quickly.

  • Bacteria/parasites
  • Fish food quality
  • Water quality
  • Social stress

White spot disease Small white spots covering the fish skin and fins

White spot disease, also referred to as Ichthyo, caused by the single-celled ciliate Ichthyophthyrius multifiliis.

Possible Causes:

Nearly always caused by adding a new stock of fish.This can occur when a new stock of fish is added or it could be caused by a dormant infestation with an outbreak of parasites in tanks with poorly conditioned and/or stressed fish. This may be due to poor living conditions, combining incompatible fish species or poor diet.

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