Tetra SafeStart
Makes it possible to introduce fish immediately after setting up a new aquarium. The live bacteria contained within Tetra SafeStart instantly creates a biologically active habitat.
- Stabilise water values
- Eliminate ammonia and nitrite
- Bacteria
- Add fish
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Speeds up the settling-in time instantly after setting up a new aquarium
Avoids a toxic nitrite peak
Prevents fish losses
Reduces harmful ammonia and nitrite levels
Application: For new fish stocking, after medications, water changes and all bacteria losses
For healthy fish in all freshwater aquariums
Tetra SafeStart
Makes it possible to introduce fish immediately after setting up a new aquarium. The live bacteria contained within Tetra SafeStart instantly creates a biologically active habitat.
Select a size to show online shops
250 ml
50 ml
100 ml
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Speeds up the settling-in time instantly after setting up a new aquarium
Avoids a toxic nitrite peak
Prevents fish losses
Reduces harmful ammonia and nitrite levels
Application: For new fish stocking, after medications, water changes and all bacteria losses
For healthy fish in all freshwater aquariums
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